Our main goal is to raise funds for Parkinson Québec to support patients, their entourage, as well as to contribute to biomedical research in the search for a cure.
We also have a kiosk at the Montreal Neurological Institute as well as at the Montreal General Hospital to hand out information to Parkinson’s patients as well as their caregivers, in collaboration with Parkinson Québec.
Help us raise funds for Parkinson Québec!
Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you. All of the funds received will be donated to Parkinson Québec. Don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.
All donations are to be made via e-transfer, at our official email: mcgillstudentsforparkinsons@ssmu.ca​
In normal circumstances, you can do an automatic transfer. If that is not the case, please put the password: MSParkinsons2022
We recruit volunteers at the beginning of every semester!
This is one of the simplest ways to help out our cause. We believe the best way for our initiatives to be successful is for the community to actively get involved. This is an easy and efficient way of contributing to the search for a cure for Parkinson's Disease.
**Applications closed for Fall 2022 semester.**
If you are looking for an interesting, fun and low commitment volunteering opportunity, MSP is the perfect option. I volunteered with MSP all throughout my second year at McGill and it was an extremely fulfilling experience! I got to meet other McGill students that I worked with at the shifts, learn a lot about Parkinson's and speak to patients to promote the really great Parkinson's Quebec program. I can't wait for the program to take place again!
Madison Mueller-Volunteer
Sophie Morris
Hi everyone! I’m going into my third year in Neuroscience at McGill. I decided to join MSP because I believe it’s really important to get involved and help make a difference. My grandpa suffers from Parkinson’s disease so I have seen the impacts the progression of Parkinson’s has on both the patient and the family over the past few years. Volunteering for this club has been amazing and has really shown me how big of an impact we can have!
Shrieda Jain
Director of Volunteering Operations
Hi! My name is Shrieda, and I’m MSP’s Director of Volunteering Operations for the 2022-23 school year. I’m a master’s student in Experimental Surgery, and my background is in Neuroscience and Physiology. I’m particularly interested in improving long-term outcomes for patients and realized that patients with Parkinson’s or other neurodegenerative diseases need a life-long management plan to ensure they’re getting the best quality of care. I joined MSP as a volunteer last year and saw this club uphold this mission and provide accessible and reliable resources to these patients. It was amazing to be part of this community, and I’m excited to continue this year!
Emma Nadler
VP Sustainability
Hi! My name is Emma and I’m a U3 student majoring in Neuroscience. I joined MSP last year as a volunteer because my grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 5 years ago. I think the club offers so many great opportunities for students who want to learn more about the disease and who want to get involved. I’m very excited to be this year’s VP sustainability and to raise more awareness for Parkinson’s!
Max Tweedale
VP Fundraising
Hey everyone! My name's Max and I'm going into my third year in Cognitive Science. My grandad had Parkinson's, so I've seen how it can affect family's, and I'm also doing a research project related to Parkinson's this Fall. I decided to join MSP to raise more awareness for the disease with hopes of raising money to further advances in finding a cure.
Vivienne Nguyen
VP Internal
Hey everyone! My name is Vivienne and I’m in my 3rd year of Neuroscience. My interest in Parkinson’s first came from volunteering for a non-profit, helping people (including parkinson’s) with physical disabilities exercise. Since then, I started volunteering in MSP and had the opportunity to be a phone line volunteer, which I absolutely loved. I’m super excited to be this year’s VP Internal and I’m super excited for the things to come!
Vivian Li
Hi! My name is Vivian, and I’m in U2 majoring in Neuroscience. I was involved in MSP last year as a volunteer, and I’ve learned a lot about Parkinson’s Disease through the club’s podcast and events. I’m excited to be part of the team as VP Finance this year and to continue raising awareness about the disease!
Andrea Maalouf
VP Communications
Hey! I'm Andrea and I'm a U0 majoring in Anatomy and Cell Biology. I joined MSP last semester because I want to help make information and access to resources more accessible to patients and their caregivers.
I'm very excited to be MSP's VP communications this year and am very excited to help raise more awareness towards Parkinson's Disorder!
We are a student organization based at McGill University and operating under the Student Society of McGill University (SSMU). Our goal is to raise awareness on Parkinson’s Disease as well as to host fundraisers to contribute to the search for a cure.
We recruit volunteers at the beginning of each semester, our applications are open but if you don't think you can commit, you can also get involved through our many events!
The time commitment is very flexible - you can sign up to participate in the podcast, research spotlight, and beyond the science on a monthly basis when you have time.